How to Sew a Block Quilt: A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Beautiful Quilt

» Blog » Design and Pattern Ideas » How to Sew a Block Quilt: A Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Beautiful Quilt

Have you ever wanted to learn how to sew a block quilt? If so, then you are in luck! This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create a beautiful quilted block masterpiece in just five easy steps. With the right materials and a few basic sewing skills, you’ll be able to create a quilt that will be the envy of your friends and family. So, let’s get started and learn how to sew a block quilt!

How to Make a Quilt Block as a Beginner

How To Make A Quilt Block As A Beginner

Materials Needed

Fabric of choice, scissors, pins, seam ripper, sewing machine, quilt batting, thread, and iron.

Step-by-step Instructions

Cut fabric into desired size. Pin pieces of fabric together. Sew pieces of fabric together using a sewing machine. Trim off any excess fabric with a seam ripper. Iron the fabric to flatten the quilt block. Place quilt batting on the backside of the quilt block and pin in place. Sew around the edges of the quilt block to secure the batting in place. Iron the block again to flatten. Your block is ready to be used in a quilt.

If you plan on hand quilting, ensure that you apply the batting to the quilt block prior to quilting. Once you have finished quilting, use a sharp pair of scissors to trim any loose threads and fabric. And that’s it! You have successfully made a quilt block as a beginner. Now you can use your quilt block to create a beautiful quilt or wall hanging.

How to Sew a Block Quilt

Materials Needed

  • Fabric
  • Batting
  • Thread
  • Rotary Cutter
  • Quilting Ruler
  • Sewing Machine

Step-by-step Instructions

Cutting Fabric: Measure and cut the fabric for the quilt blocks.
Piecing Blocks: Sew together the pieces of the quilt blocks.
Layering: Layer the quilt blocks, batting, and backing fabric.
Basting the Quilt: Pin, spray, or stitch the layers together.
Quilting: Hand or machine quilt the quilt.
Binding: Create and attach the binding to the quilt.
Quilt Labeling: Add a label to the quilt.

Once you have completed the steps above, you will have a block quilt that you can enjoy. For a more detailed quilting project, you may want to look into how to quilt as you go a blanket or quilt.

How to Apply Batting to a Block Quilt

How To Apply Batting To A Block Quilt

Materials Needed

  • Quilt batting
  • Pins
  • Scissors

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Cut the batting into sections that match the size of your quilt blocks.
  • Lay the batting on top of the block and pin in place.
  • Trim off any excess batting, leaving 1/4″ of fabric around the edges.
  • Join the quilt batting as you go sections, using the same method.

How to Quilt As You Go a Blanket or Quilt

How To Quilt As You Go A Blanket Or Quilt

Materials Needed

Fabric, quilt batting, sewing machine, thread, scissors, pins, and an iron.

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Cut the quilt batting to the desired size of your quilt and then layer it between the two layers of fabric.
2. Quilt the top layer of fabric with a straight stitch. Make sure to quilt the batting as well.
3. Cut the layers into blocks or strips of the desired size.
4. Join the blocks with a sewing machine or by hand using a whip stitch.
5. Trim the edges to ensure all blocks are the same size.
6. Join your top quilt trim with blocks together with a straight stitch.
7. Finally, press the blocks with an iron.

How to Join Quilt Batting As You Go Sections

How To Join Quilt Batting As You Go Sections

Materials Needed

  • Quilt batting
  • Scissors
  • Quilting thread

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Cut the batting to the size of the quilt. Make sure to leave a few inches of extra fabric on each side.
2. Align the batting pieces together so that the edges are even.
3. Pin the batting together to hold it in place while you sew it.
4. Sew the batting together using a basic stitch. Make sure to backstitch at each end of the seam.
5. Cut away any excess batting and press the seam.
6. Repeat the process for the rest of the batting pieces.

By following these steps, you can easily join quilt batting pieces together without having to quilt without squares together.

How to Join Your Top Quilt Trim with Blocks Together

How To Join Your Top Quilt Trim With Blocks Together

Materials Needed

  • Fabric
  • Rotary cutter and ruler
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Scissors

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Cut the fabric into desired quilt block sizes using the rotary cutter and ruler.
2. Place two quilt blocks right sides together and sew a ¼” seam around all four sides.
3. Repeat with remaining quilt blocks until all blocks are joined.
4. Press seam allowances open.
5. Trim the quilt block pieces to the desired size.
6. Join all the quilt blocks together in the desired order and press the seam allowances in the same direction.
7. Sew the quilt blocks and the top quilt trim together using a ¼” seam allowance.
8. Trim the excess fabric and press the seam allowances open.
9. Your quilt top is now ready!

Now you know how to join your top quilt trim with blocks together and make a beautiful quilt block for a beginner. With these steps, you can easily create a quilt block for your next quilting project.

How to Quilt Without Squares Together

How To Quilt Without Squares Together

Materials Needed

  • Fabric – enough to create the quilt top and back
  • Backing fabric
  • Batting
  • Matching thread
  • Quilting needles
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Ruler
  • Rotary cutter (optional)

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Cut the fabric into strips of the desired length and width.
  • Arrange the strips in a pattern of your choice.
  • Pin two strips together and stitch along one side.
  • Continue adding strips until you reach the desired size.
  • Press the seams and check for accuracy.
  • Layer the quilt top, the batting, and the backing fabric.
  • Pin the layers together.
  • Stitch along the seams to attach the layers together.
  • Trim the excess batting and backing fabric.
  • Watch a how to stitch an easy quilt video to learn the quilting techniques.
  • Hand or machine quilt the quilt as desired.
  • Bind the edges of the quilt.

How to Stitch an Easy Quilt Video

Materials Needed

Fabric scraps in various sizes and colors, scissors, sewing machine, thread, iron, tape measure, rotary cutter, and cutting mat.

Step-by-step Instructions

Cut fabric into 12 1/2-inch squares. Arrange in an alternating pattern. Pin squares together. Sew squares together. Trim excess threads. Iron seams flat. Measure quilt top. Cut batting and backing to the same size as the quilt top. Layer quilt top, batting, and backing. Pin layers together. Sew edges together. Trim excess threads. Iron edges.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type of Fabric is Best to Use for a Block Quilt?

Cotton is the best choice for quilting fabrics as it is lightweight and breathable. Look for fabrics with a tight weave and avoid fabrics with a loose weave that could fray or unravel easily. Pick fabrics that are 100% cotton and have the same weight and weave so they will drape and press the same. Consider prints, textures, and solids that have a similar color scheme to create a cohesive quilt.

Is a Sewing Machine Necessary for a Block Quilt?

Yes, a sewing machine is necessary for a block quilt. Hand-sewing can be time-consuming and tedious, and a sewing machine will make the process much faster and easier. Here are the benefits of using a sewing machine for a block quilt:

  • A sewing machine will make the process much faster and more efficient.
  • A sewing machine will give you more control over the stitches, allowing for more precise and consistent results.
  • Using a sewing machine will reduce the amount of strain and fatigue in your hands and arms.
  • Sewing machines come in a variety of sizes and types, allowing you to choose the best machine for your project.

Using a sewing machine for a block quilt is an efficient and easy way to complete your project. With the right machine, you’ll be able to create a beautiful quilt in no time.

How much time does it typically take to sew a block quilt?


  • Choose the quilt pattern, fabric, and thread – 10 minutes
  • Cut the fabric for each block – 15 minutes
  • Sew the blocks together – 30 minutes



  • Bind the quilt – 45 minutes
  • Label the quilt – 10 minutes

Total: 2 hours and 35 minutes

Are There Any Special Techniques to Consider When Sewing a Block Quilt?

When sewing a block quilt, it is important to pay attention to the type of fabric and the size of the blocks. Choose a fabric that is light, breathable, and won’t fray. Consider using a quilting ruler to accurately measure and cut the blocks. Before assembling the quilt, press each block to create crisp lines and ensure even stitching. To reduce the bulk of the quilt, sew the quilt pieces together using a ¼-inch seam allowance and trim away the excess fabric. Finally, use a walking foot to ensure even feeding of all layers of the quilt.

What Tools are Needed to Sew a Block Quilt?

Fabric: Quilting cotton fabric, batting, and backing fabric.
Sewing Machine: A basic sewing machine with a ¼-inch foot.
Rulers: A 6-inch by 24-inch ruler and a square ruler.
Rotary Cutter and Mat: An Olfa rotary cutter and a self-healing cutting mat.
Iron and Ironing Board: An iron and an ironing board.
Pins and Thread: Quilting pins and all-purpose thread.
Scissors: Fabric scissors and paper scissors.
Seam Ripper: A handy tool for removing stitches.


Sewing a block quilt can be a fun and rewarding DIY project. By following the five steps outlined in this article, anyone can create a beautiful quilt. With a few supplies, some patience, and a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to make amazing quilts for yourself or for gifts for friends and family.
