5 Creative Ideas for Repurposing Your Old Quilts

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Do you have an old quilt that you don’t know what to do with? If you’re looking for creative ideas for what to do with old quilts, this article will provide you with five unique and fun ideas. From home decor to clothing and accessories, you’ll find plenty of inspiring ideas to transform your quilt into a work of art.

Creative Ideas for What to Do with Old Quilts

Repurpose Them

Old quilts can be repurposed for a variety of uses. Consider making a throw for a bed, chair, or sofa. You can also make a quilt bag, an apron, a quilt-covered tote, or even a quilt-covered canvas. With a bit of imagination, you can come up with many different ways to repurpose an old quilt.

Make a Quilt Wall Hanging

Wall hangings made from old quilts are a great way to show off the quilt and make a statement in any room. You can hang the quilt as-is or cut it into sections and hang the sections separately. This is a great way to make use of a tattered quilt that is too fragile to use in any other way.

Create a Quilt Pillow

Quilt pillows are a great way to display an old quilt. Simply cut the quilt into sections to fit an existing pillow form or create your own form. This also allows you to make use of a tattered quilt that would otherwise be discarded.

Make a Quilt Table Runner

Table runners are another great way to make use of an old quilt. Cut the quilt into sections and use the sections to make a table runner. You can also cut the quilt into strips and sew the strips together to make a unique and colorful table runner.

Use it as a Photo Backdrop

Old quilts can also be used as a photo backdrop. This is a great way to show off a quilt that is too tattered to use in any other way. Simply lay the quilt on the floor or hang it on a wall and use it as a backdrop for your photos.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make sure my quilt doesn’t become damaged over time?

To ensure your quilt remains in good condition, avoid exposure to direct sunlight, humidity and extreme temperatures. Wash your quilt on a gentle cycle with a mild detergent and cold water. Hang the quilt to dry and avoid machine drying, as it can shrink the fabric and cause the batting to clump. Store your quilt in a cool, dark place away from sources of humidity. Vacuum clean quilts regularly with a soft brush attachment to remove dust and dirt.

What Materials Do I Need to Create Something New Out of Old Quilts?

To create something new from old quilts, you will need to have the following materials: fabric scissors, a sewing machine and thread, quilting batting, and a variety of fabrics. You will also need a pattern to follow or a design to create, as well as pins, a ruler, and an iron. Additionally, if you want to add extra embellishments, such as appliques or buttons, you will need to have these materials on hand as well.

What are some tips for safely repurposing an old quilt?

Check for damage: Before repurposing an old quilt, check for any signs of damage, such as tears, fraying, or discoloration. If any damage is found, it is best to repair it before repurposing.

Clean properly: Before repurposing an old quilt, it is important to clean it properly. Use a mild detergent and a gentle cycle on the washing machine. Do not use bleach.

Press carefully: Once the quilt is clean, use a low heat setting on an iron to press the quilt. This will help to get rid of any wrinkles and will give the quilt a crisp, clean look.

Choose the right thread: When repurposing an old quilt, it is important to choose the right thread. Use a thread that is strong, durable, and colorfast. This will help to ensure that the quilt is safe to use.

Store in a dry place: Once the repurposing is complete, it is important to store the quilt in a dry place. This will help to keep the quilt looking its best and will help to prevent any further damage.

Are there any special techniques I should use when working with quilts?

  • Choose a pattern that you like and that will fit into the quilt.
  • Carefully plan out the pattern and the fabric pieces needed.
  • Cut the fabric into the appropriate pieces.
  • Piecing:

  • Stitch together the pieces using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
  • Press the seams open or to one side.
  • Check the pieces regularly to ensure the pieces fit together correctly.
  • Layering:

  • Lay out the backing, batting, and quilt top in the desired order.
  • Pin the layers together with safety pins.
  • Quilting:

  • Quilt the layers together with a walking foot.
  • Choose a quilting pattern that enhances the design of the quilt.
  • Use a coordinating thread color.

What are some Unique Ways to Display an Old Quilt?

1. Hanging on a Wall – Use a quilt hanger or quilt sleeve to hang a quilt on the wall. This is an easy way to display a quilt and show it off.

2. Folding on a Shelf – Folding a quilt and displaying it on a shelf is a great way to show off the pattern and colors.

3. Throwing over Furniture – Drape an old quilt over a chair, sofa, or bed to add a cozy, inviting touch to any room.

4. Framing – Have a quilt professionally framed to create a unique wall piece.

5. Hanging on a Clothesline – Hang an old quilt on a clothesline outside or inside to create a unique decoration.


Old quilts can be used for a variety of creative projects, from making a quilt for a wall hanging to upcycling quilt scraps into a quilted table runner. They can be turned into bags, pillows, and even furniture. Quilters can also utilize these techniques to create a unique and meaningful gift. With a little creativity and a few supplies, these old quilts can be transformed into one-of-a-kind works of art.
