What Size Should You Choose for a Lap Quilt? Find the Perfect Fit!

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Are you looking for the perfect lap quilt for yourself or a loved one? If so, you may be wondering what size lap quilt to choose. This comprehensive guide will help you determine what size lap quilt is best for your needs, from small throws that fit in a chair to larger quilts that can be used as a blanket or a decorative piece. We’ll look at the different factors that can influence the size of a lap quilt, so you can make an informed decision about what size lap quilt to buy.

Understanding the Size of a Lap Quilt

Understanding The Size Of A Lap Quilt

What Size is a Lap Quilt?

A lap quilt, also known as a throw quilt, is a quilt that is specially designed to cover the lap and legs while sitting in a chair or on a couch. Lap quilts are typically rectangular in shape, measuring between 40 and 60 inches wide and between 50 and 70 inches long. The size of a lap quilt can vary depending on the size of the person who will be using it.

Different Types of Lap Quilts

Lap quilts come in a variety of styles, from traditional patchwork quilts to contemporary quilts with modern designs. They can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers. Lap quilts can also be customized with personal touches, such as monograms and embroidery, to make them truly unique. If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind quilt for your home, you can even learn how to make a lap quilt yourself.

Determining the Best Size for a Lap Quilt

Determining The Best Size For A Lap Quilt

What is the Size of a Small Quilt Throw?

Small quilt throws typically measure between 36″ to 42″ square. This size is ideal for use as a lap quilt to keep a person warm while sitting and is also suitable for use as a wall hanging.

What is the Average Throw Size Quilt?

The average throw size quilt is usually between 48″ to 60″ square. This size quilt is large enough to be used as a lap quilt and can also be used as a bed quilt for a twin bed.

How Large Can a Lap Quilt Be?

A lap quilt can be up to 72″ square, but it’s best to keep the size smaller so it will be easier to use. The ideal size for a lap quilt is around 48″ to 60″ square.

How Long is a Lap Quilt?

A lap quilt is typically square, so the length and width are the same. The length of a lap quilt will depend on the size of the quilt, but typically it will be between 36″ to 72″ square.

Finding the perfect size for a lap quilt will depend on the intended use. For a lap quilt to be used while sitting or as a wall hanging, a smaller size of 36″ to 42″ is best. If the lap quilt is intended to be used as a bed quilt or as a throw blanket, a larger size of 48″ to 72″ is best.

Making Your Own Lap Quilt

How to Make a Lap Quilt

Making a lap quilt is a great way to add a personal touch to your home. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced quilter, there are plenty of patterns and tutorials to choose from. The first step is to decide what size quilt you want to make. Lap quilts typically range from 40”x 40” to 60”x 60”.

How to Make a Lapsize Quilt

Once you have decided on the size, it’s time to select the fabric. Choose colors and prints that will complement the room in which you plan to display your quilt. The next step is to decide what type of blocks you want to use. You can use traditional quilting blocks such as the Nine Patch, Log Cabin, or Flying Geese. Or you can create your own unique design.

Once you have the fabric cut and the blocks assembled, it’s time to lay out the quilt top. This is the fun part, allowing you to get creative and arrange the blocks in whatever pattern you prefer. Once it’s all laid out, you’ll need to baste the quilt top, batting, and backing fabric together.

Finally, it’s time to quilt the pieces together. Use a walking foot if possible and be sure to use a pattern that will complement your quilt. Once the quilt is quilted, it’s time to bind the edges and give it a final pressing.

Your lap quilt is now ready to be enjoyed! If you’d like to make a smaller lap quilt, you can use the same steps but with smaller measurements. What is the size of a small quilt throw?Typically, a small quilt throw is 40”x 40”.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Common Sizes for Lap Quilts?

Small: Typically a lap quilt is a small blanket measuring around 36” x 36” – perfect for snuggling up on the sofa with a good book.

Medium: Measuring around 48” x 48”, medium lap quilts are great for those who want a bit more coverage without taking up too much space.

Large: Large lap quilts measure around 60” x 60” and are great for those who want more coverage or who have a larger frame.

Extra Large: For an extra large lap quilt, look for something around 72” x 72”. These are perfect for those looking for full coverage.

What should I consider when deciding on a Lap Quilt Size?

  • Intended Use – How will the quilt be used? Will it be used as a throw, a bedspread, a wall hanging, or something else? This will help determine the size you need.
  • Desired Look – Do you want a larger quilt that will cover a large area, or a smaller quilt that will act as an accent piece?
  • Available Space – How much space do you have to work with? Measure the space before deciding on a size, to make sure the quilt will fit.
  • Time Constraints – Consider how much time you have for the project. A larger quilt will take more time, so be realistic about what you can accomplish.
  • Fabric Requirements – A larger quilt will require more fabric, so make sure you have enough material to complete the project.

Are There Any Special Considerations When Making a Lap Quilt for a Larger Body Type?

Size: Since larger body types require more space, a larger lap quilt is necessary. The quilt should be wide enough to cover the entire lap area, and long enough to hang slightly over the sides.

Fabric: Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that provide adequate warmth without being too hot. Avoid heavy fabrics that may be too bulky and uncomfortable.

Stitches: Choose sturdy, tight stitches to ensure the quilt holds up over time.

Filling: Choose a lightweight, yet warm filling that is comfortable to sit on.

Design: Simplicity is key when making a lap quilt for a larger body type. Avoid intricate patterns and designs to prevent the quilt from feeling too heavy.

How do I know if a Lap Quilt is the Right Size for My Space?

  • Measure the Space – Measure the area you plan to use the lap quilt. It should be a few inches larger than your desired quilt.
  • Check the Dimensions – Check the dimensions of the lap quilt you’re considering. It should fit into the space you’ve measured.
  • Consider the Design – If the lap quilt has a pattern, consider how it will look in the space.
  • Think About Comfort – You want a size that will keep you warm and cozy, not one that’s too small or too large.

What Fabrics Work Best for Lap Quilts?

For a lap quilt, it is important to choose a fabric that is lightweight and soft. Cotton, flannel, fleece, and corduroy are all popular choices for lap quilts. Cotton is a breathable fabric, making it ideal for warm weather, while flannel and fleece are great for winter months. Corduroy is great for year-round use, as it is both lightweight and warm. Additionally, quilters can choose from a variety of prints to add a creative touch to their lap quilts.


When deciding on the size of a lap quilt, consider the size of the quilting project, the quilt recipient, and the type of quilt. Consider the size of the quilting project, such as the size of the quilt top and the size of the batting and backing. Consider the size of the quilt recipient, such as whether the quilt will be used for sleeping or for snuggling on the couch. Finally, consider the type of quilt, such as a baby quilt or a throw quilt. With these factors in mind, lap quilts can be tailored to fit any size and purpose.
