How to Hang a Quilt with a Dowel: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you looking to find out how to hang a quilt with a dowel for a perfect display? If so, this step-by-step guide is here to help! This guide will provide all the information you need to know about how to hang a quilt using a dowel, from selecting the right dowel to measuring and marking the wall for the perfect display. By following these simple steps, you’ll have your quilt hung and looking great in no time!

Materials Needed

Materials Needed

  • A Quilt – You can hang a mini quilt or a larger quilt, depending on the size of the wall.
  • A Dowel – You will need a wooden dowel that is longer than the width of the quilt.
  • Two Screw Eyes – Pick two screw eyes that are appropriate for the size of the quilt.
  • Screws – The screws should be the same size as the screw eyes.
  • Wall Anchors – If you are hanging the quilt on a drywall surface, you will need wall anchors.
  • Hanging Cord – You will need a cord that is sturdy enough to hold the quilt.

Measuring the Quilt

Measuring The Quilt

  • Locate the top center point of the quilt and measure from the top of the quilt to the desired length.
  • Measure the quilt’s width from side to side.
  • Using a ruler or a piece of string, mark the desired length and width on the quilt.
  • Cut the quilt according to the marks.
  • Lay the quilt flat and smooth out any wrinkles.

Setting Up the Dowel

Setting Up The Dowel

  • Measure the length of your dowel: The dowel should be at least 4 inches longer than the width of your quilt.
  • Mark and drill the dowel: Mark the center of the dowel with a marker and drill a hole about one-half inch from each end.
  • Insert the dowel into the wall: Use the pre-drilled holes to insert the dowel into the wall. Secure the dowel with screws to keep it in place.
  • Attach the quilt to the dowel: Measure and cut two pieces of string that are long enough to wrap around the dowel. Tie the strings to each end of the dowel, and then thread the quilt through the strings. Secure the strings to the dowel with knots.

Hanging the Dowel

Hanging The Dowel

  • Measure and Cut the Dowel: Measure the width of the quilt and cut a wooden dowel to the same length. Ensure the dowel is cut evenly and smoothly.
  • Create a Hanging Bar: Make a hanging bar by drilling holes into the dowel. The holes should be spaced according to the size of the quilt. Drill the holes in the middle of the dowel, making sure that they are level.
  • Attach the Dowel: Attach the dowel to the wall using appropriate anchors and screws. Make sure the dowel is level and secure.
  • Hang the Quilt: Insert the quilt onto the dowel and ensure it is secured and hanging correctly. You may need to use clips or pins to keep it in place.

Attaching the Quilt to the Dowel

Attaching The Quilt To The Dowel

How to Hang a Regular Quilt

Start by laying the quilt on a flat surface, and measure the dowel rod to the same length as the width of the quilt. Cut the dowel so that it fits. Place the quilt along the dowel and mark the spots where you want to attach the quilt. Take the quilt off and drill small holes in the marked spots. Place the quilt back on the dowel and use small screws to attach the quilt to the dowel.

How to Hang a Mini Quilt

Mini quilts are usually smaller than regular quilts and require a different approach. Measure the mini quilt and cut the dowel to the same length. Place the dowel on the mini quilt and mark the spots where you want to attach the dowel to the quilt. Take the quilt off and drill small holes in the marked spots. Place the dowel back on the quilt and use brads to attach the dowel to the quilt.

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches
Once the quilt is hung, it is time to pay attention to the details. If the quilt is made of lightweight material, it may be necessary to add some weights to the bottom corners to keep it from blowing around in the wind. Decorative tassels can also be added for an extra touch of flair. Finally, it is also possible to add hanging beads which will make the quilt look even more attractive.


If the quilt is not properly hung, double-check the measurements of the dowel, as well as the length of the hanging thread. Make sure the dowel is securely attached to the wall. If the quilt is too heavy, consider attaching an additional dowel to the existing one for support. Ensure the dowel is level, and ensure the quilt is evenly folded and hung. If the quilt is still not properly hung, try adding a few more nails to the wall or use a thicker thread.


Hanging a quilt with a dowel is an effective way to make a statement in any room. It is an easy and inexpensive way to display a quilt and is a great way to show off your craftsmanship. This method also works for small quilts and mini quilts, so you can hang them in areas with limited wall space. With the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily hang a quilt with a dowel in a matter of minutes.



For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to hang a quilt with a dowel, please refer to the following sources:



Item Quantity
Dowel 1
Decorative end caps for dowel 2
Screws 2
Wall anchors 2
Quilt 1



  • Measure the length of the dowel. Measure the length of the dowel that is appropriate for the size of your quilt. If you are hanging a small quilt, a dowel that is about 16 inches long may be suitable, while a larger quilt may require a dowel that is up to 24 inches long.
  • Attach the decorative end caps. Use screws to attach the decorative end caps to the ends of the dowel.
  • Attach the wall anchors. Use a drill to attach the wall anchors to the wall at the desired location. Make sure that the wall anchors are securely in place.
  • Attach the dowel to the wall anchors. Place the dowel over the wall anchors and use screws to attach it securely.
  • Hang the quilt. Place the quilt over the dowel and adjust the quilt until it is centered.



Gather Your Supplies

Gather your supplies before starting any project. To hang a quilt using a dowel, you will need a dowel, quilt hangers, fabric scissors, and pins.

Cut the Dowel

Cut the dowel to the desired length. You can use a saw or a hand saw to cut the dowel. Make sure to measure twice and cut once.

Measure the Quilt

Measure the quilt and use the fabric scissors to cut two pieces of fabric that are slightly larger than the dowel. This will give you enough fabric to wrap around the dowel and secure it.

Attach the Hangers

Attach the hangers to the dowel. The hangers should be placed on the back of the dowel and should be even with one another. Make sure to leave enough fabric around the dowel so that it can be securely attached to the wall.

Attach the Quilt

Attach the quilt to the dowel with pins. Make sure that the quilt is securely attached to the dowel and that the fabric is not too tight or too loose.

Hang the Dowel

Hang the dowel using appropriate hardware. Make sure that the dowel is securely attached to the wall and that it is level.

Hanging a quilt with a dowel is a simple and effective way to display your quilt. By following these steps, you can easily hang your quilt in a matter of minutes.

What You Need:

What You Need:

Item Quantity
Dowel 1
Screws 2
Drill 1
Level 1

Steps to Hang a Quilt with a Dowel:

1. Choose the appropriate size of dowel for the quilt. Smaller quilts require a thinner dowel, while larger quilts require a thicker dowel.
2. Mark the spot on the wall where you want to hang the quilt. Use a level to ensure the chosen spot is level.
3. Drill two holes in the wall, one on each side of the chosen spot. The holes should be slightly larger than the screws.
4. Insert the screws into the holes, leaving enough room for the dowel to fit in between them.
5. Place the dowel between the two screws.
6. Hang the quilt on the dowel.
7. Adjust the quilt as necessary to ensure it hangs properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size dowel do I need for hanging my quilt?

  • Measure the quilt: Start by measuring the quilt you want to hang. Measure the width (W) and length (L).
  • Measuring the dowel: Take the width (W) of the quilt and add at least 6 inches to it. This is the size of the dowel you will need.
  • Cut the dowel: Cut the dowel to the size you need using a saw.
  • Choose the dowel material: Choose a strong, sturdy material for the dowel. Wood is a popular choice, however metal dowels are also an option.

What type of wall hangers should I use to secure the dowel?

  • Nail-in Hooks – These hooks are driven into the wall with a hammer, and are a great option for hanging heavier quilts. The hook should be long enough to support the dowel.
  • Picture Hangers – These hooks are typically used for hanging pictures and artwork, but can also be used to hang lighter quilts. Picture hangers come in a variety of sizes to accommodate the size of the dowel.
  • Adhesive Hooks – These hooks are great for hanging lightweight quilts, and are easy to install without any tools. Adhesive hooks come in different sizes to fit the dowel.
  • Command Hooks – Command hooks are extremely versatile, and can be used to hang a variety of different items. Command hooks come in a variety of sizes and can be used to hang a dowel.

How do I measure the distance between the wall hangers for the dowel?

    Step 1: Measure the length of the quilt and add a few inches to that measurement. This will be the ideal distance between the two wall hangers.
    Step 2: Mark the wall at the two points where the wall hangers need to be placed.
    Step 3: Measure the distance between the two marks and adjust the wall hangers accordingly.
    Step 4: Install the wall hangers according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    Step 5: Hang the dowel on the two wall hangers.

How Far Apart Should I Space the Dowel Hangers?

Dowel hangers should be spaced evenly along the length of the quilt. The dowels should be placed 12-18 inches apart for a standard-size quilt. For a smaller quilt, the dowels should be spaced 8-12 inches apart. The spacing of the dowels should be adjusted accordingly for larger quilts.

Are there any other hanging methods I can use to display my quilt?

  • Wall Mounted Rod: This is a great way to hang a quilt. Simply install a rod on the wall and attach the quilt to the rod by using a rod pocket or hanging tabs. This method is especially useful for larger quilts.
  • Framing: You can also frame a quilt and hang it on the wall. This is an elegant way to display your quilt, but it’s also more expensive. You’ll need a frame that is large enough to fit your quilt and strong enough to support its weight.
  • Hanging Sleeves: You can purchase quilt hanging sleeves, which are sewn onto the back of the quilt. You can then hang the quilt on a wall hook or nail, similar to how you would hang a picture frame.
  • Hanging Clips: You can also purchase quilt hanging clips that attach to the back of the quilt. The clips are designed to securely hold the quilt and provide a neat and tidy way to hang the quilt.



Hanging a quilt on a dowel is a great way to create a beautiful wall display. It can be done easily and quickly with the right materials and a few simple steps. Use a sturdy dowel and hang it securely to ensure your quilt is safely displayed. With this step-by-step guide, you can now hang a quilt on a dowel with confidence.

